Understanding the Evolving Threat

By Ryan Olson

Ryan Olson is the director of Palo Alto Networks' threat intelligence team; responsible for collection, analysis and production of intelligence on adversaries targeting organizations around the world. Prior to joining Palo Alto Networks, Olson served as Senior Manager in Verisign's iDefense Threat Intelligence service. His area of expertise is detecting and identifying actors and groups conducting cyber-crime and cyber-espionage operations. He was a contributing author to the book, "Cyber Fraud: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures," and primary author of "Cyber Security Essentials."

Ransomware is a relatively new type of threat, and like most malware it is constantly changing. Ryan Olson is the director of the threat intelligence team at Palo Alto Networks, and he spoke with the Cipher Brief about the threat posed by ransomware. He suggests making sure you keep your backups up to date, since ransomware is likely to only get more effective. 

The Cipher Brief: How has the threat represented by ransomware and similar types of malware changed over the last five years? How do you expect it to change moving forward?

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