Global Cyber Challenges of the Future

Cybersecurity and global communication, secure data network technology, cyberattack protection for worldwide connections, finance, IoT and cryptocurrencies, planet Earth in space, elements from NASA (

By Robert Hannigan

Robert Hannigan is international Chairman of BlueVoyant, the US cyber security services company. He was previously Director of GCHQ, the UK’s largest intelligence agency and NSA equivalent from 2014-17, and a member of the National Security Council. He established the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre in 2016 and was responsible for the UK’s active cyber defence and offensive cyber programs.

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness month in the U.S., an initiative started 15 years ago as a collaborative effort between the Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance in hopes of raising awareness about the growing cyber threat.

As part of The Cipher Brief’s cyber coverage this month, we’ll be talking with a number of global leaders about how we see threats differently and how entities can work more closely together to address them. 

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