Autonomous Weapons: Urgent Questions Remain

By Angela Kane

Angela Kane is a Senior Fellow at the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation and Vice President of the International Institute for Peace. She is also a Visiting Professor at SciencesPo in Paris and a member of their Strategic Council. She serves on the Council of the United Nations University in Tokyo and several non-profit boards in the United States and Europe. She is also the former High Representative for Disarmament Affairs at the United Nations.

Discussions on artificial intelligence (AI) too often revolve around concerns about the sensationalist threat of “killer robots,” usually featured in science-fiction films or computer games. Killing is depicted as easy and rapid, done by steel-clad monsters with super-human abilities.

Let me put this fear to rest. We do not yet have killer robots, though we must acknowledge that progress is being made with increasing sophistication of technology.

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