The Prospects are Bleak

By Ambassador Joseph DeTrani

Ambassador Joseph DeTrani served as the U.S. Representative to the Korea Energy Development Organization (KEDO), as well as former CIA director of East Asia Operations. He also served as Associate Director of National Intelligence and Mission Manager for North Korea, was the Special Envoy for the Six-Party Talks with North Korea, and served as the Director of the National Counter Proliferation Center, ODNI.  He currently serves on the Board of Managers at Sandia National Laboratories.

U.S. – China relations have deteriorated appreciably over the past few years.  The prospect for improved relations are bleak, with a strong likelihood that bilateral relations will continue to worsen.  Although there’s no simple answer, it’s apparent that more must be done to restore trust in this important bilateral relationship.

Despite the ruling from the Court in The Hague that rejected China’s claim to historic rights over most of the South China Sea, China continues to build outposts on the Spratly Islands.  The recent construction of hangers for 24 fighter jets was another indicator that China will not abide by the Court’s ruling.   This intransigence on the part of China has soured relations with its neighbors in Southeast Asia and proven to be a public diplomacy nightmare for Beijing.

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