The Link Between White Supremacists and Islamic Terrorism

By Michael German

Michael German is a fellow with the Brennan Center for Justice's Liberty and National Security Program. His work focuses on law enforcement and intelligence oversight and reform. Prior to joining the Brennan Center, Mr. German served as the policy counsel for national security and privacy for the American Civil Liberties Union Washington Legislative Office. A sixteen-year veteran of federal law enforcement, Mr. German served as a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where he specialized in domestic terrorism and covert operations. As an undercover agent, German twice infiltrated extremist groups using constitutionally sound law enforcement techniques.

The process of radicalization, by which disaffected members of society are convinced to embrace violent means to pursue the goals of a terrorist ideology, has been intensely studied since the World Trade Center attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Since then, the threat of international terrorism has become one of the main foci of U.S. national security policy. Similarly, the question of how to interrupt the radicalization process of jihadist groups has become the subject of intense research. However, terrorism against the United States is not a new threat, nor one limited to extremist Islamist groups. White supremacist groups have long presented homegrown domestic threat and, in many ways, their operations, tactics, and terrorist recruitment processes bear a striking similarity to those used by jihadist groups such as ISIS or al Qaeda. The Cipher Brief spoke with Michael German, a former undercover agent for the FBI and current Fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice, about the path to terror.

The Cipher Brief: You worked for 16 years at the FBI and, during that time, you infiltrated several violent white nationalist organizations. Can you tell me a bit about your time undercover, and talk about the groups that you infiltrated?

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