The Government’s Domain

By Matt Devost

Matt Devost has nearly 20 years of experience working on cybersecurity, counterterrorism, critical infrastructure protection, intelligence, and risk management issues in a variety of government and private sector environments. He is currently the EVP Strategy and Operations as Tulco Holdings. Prior to joining Tulco, Matt was a managing director and led Accenture’s Global Cyber Defense practice. He joined Accenture when they acquired his company FusionX where he was and CEO from 2010-2017. Previously, Devost was President and CEO of the Terrorism Research Center from 1996-2008 and has founded or served in key management positions in companies like Total Intelligence Solutions, iSIGHT Partners, Terrorism Research Center, Technical Defense Associates, Security Design International, and iDEFENSE.

As President and CEO of FusionX, Matt Devost focuses on cybersecurity and risk management.  Devost told The Cipher Brief that offensive cyber operations should rest exclusively with the federal government.

The Cipher Brief: It seems like there is a lot of confusion about what offensive cyber-operations would look like, with many people picturing a Hollywood-style super hacker causing large-scale chaos with a couple keystrokes. What do offensive cyber-operations usually look like, and what are the typical goals?

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