Miliband: Rohingya Survival Demands Long Term Global Effort

By David Miliband

David Miliband is President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee, and from 2007 to 2010, Miliband was the 74th Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom. Miliband is the author of “Rescue: Refugees and The Political Crisis of Our Time,” which releases on November 14.

The Cipher Brief spoke with David Miliband, President of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and former British Foreign Secretary, about how the international community should tackle humanitarian crises from Syria to Afghanistan, South Sudan to Myanmar – the topic of his new book, “Rescue: Refugees and The Political Crisis of Our Time,” which is released on Nov. 14.

With hundreds of thousands of mainly Muslim Rohingya fleeing violence at the hands of the majority Buddhist population since August, TCB’s Leone Lakhani started by asking what the IRC has witnessed on the ground.

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