Governments Need to Step Up

By Paul Caiazzo

Paul Caiazzo is a Principal and co-Founder of TruShield Security Solutions, Inc., responsible for developing corporate strategy and leading technical product and service development efforts. He also serves as Advisor on Cyber Security for the Science and Technology Policy Center for Development, an organization focused on ICT in the developing world.

Aligned with the global trend, Latin America has experienced colossal growth in access to information, facilitated through the Internet and information communication technology (ICT). Because ICT enables efficiencies across all disciplines, gains realized through advancements in ICT have a compounding effect on many aspects of life—sometimes for good and sometimes for bad.

When I asked a group of colleagues whether Asia or Latin America boasts Internet usage by a higher population percentage, many were surprised to learn the answer is Latin America. Given the near 100 percent penetration in major population centers like Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Shanghai, it would seem that Asia is likely the hands-down winner. But the reality is that, across Latin America, 53 percent of the population uses the Internet, whereas just 35 percent of the population does across Asia, with a worldwide average of 42 percent.  With 310 million Internet users, Latin America accounts for over 10 percent of the global user base—more than the United States.

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