Cyber Campaign Takes Aim at ISIS Recruiting

By Zamawang Almemar

Zamawang Almemar is a former senior consultant for the Department of Defense where she was involved in counter-terrorism efforts that deal with the acquisition and proliferation of chemical and biological weapons. She was born and raised in Iraqi Kurdistan.

ISIS recruitment messaging online is a current threat and growing concern, and as the group continues to lose physical territory in Iraq and Syria, it is feared that they will seek to inspire individuals around the world to wage war on the West. To combat the anticipated increase in ISIS digital messaging, it is critical to examine how they got here and the group’s methods used to spread their ideology and extremist aspirations in order to stop further online radicalization.

Violent extremism is a centuries-old problem but currently resides among a radical Islamist movement with global aspirations. ISIS continues to spread violent extremism and reach a worldwide community by using online technology such as social media to recruit and radicalize young people. This terrorist organization has used digital media to influence their recruitment strategies and urge attacks over the past three years. We witnessed these types of virtually radicalized individuals commit ideologically motivated violence to spread their creed in the Paris and San Bernardino attacks. ISIS continues to have success in disseminating their violent messages around the world.

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