A Cipher Exclusive Q&A With Matt Olsen on Russian Hacking

By Matthew Olsen

Former Cipher Brief Expert Matthew Olsen is the Assistant Attorney General for National Security. He is also the former Chief Trust and Security Officer at Uber. Olsen spent over twenty years working for the U.S. government and served as Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), as the General Counsel for the National Security Agency, and as former Special Counsel to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The White House is looking to take a “proportional” response to Russia’s alleged hacking of U.S. political party organizations and effort to interfere in the election campaign.

“We obviously will ensure that a U.S. response is proportional. It is unlikely that our response would be announced in advance. It’s certainly possible that the president could choose response options that we never announce,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters last week.

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