Losing our National Security Through 5G Networks

By Geoff Hancock

Geoff Hancock is the CEO/CISO at Advanced Cybersecurity Group, responsible for strategy, operations and tactical implementation of cyber programs for private/public sectors and the IC. He has over 20+ yrs in cyber operations, CT and National Security expertise. He advises US and British agencies on cyber risks and CT. He spent 13 yrs with Joint Special Operations and is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security.  

The advent of 4G technology in 2006 and subsequent Smartphones completely changed the world of communication. Now 5G, which will be able to support billions of newly connected sensors and new classes of devices, stands to make an exponentially larger global impact. With 5G’s expanded accessibility to internet services across all industries, it’s even more imperative to highlight privacy issues, national security and defense risks.

Wireless carriers are investing billions of dollars into 5G technology, requiring an entirely new approach to network infrastructure and management. Once up and running, 5G will support the Internet of Things (IoT) devices, self-driving cars, smart city deployments, emergency services, healthcare systems, energy, oil and gas, aviation, pharmaceuticals and others.

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