Smart Travel

By Jennifer Arangio

Jennifer Arangio is former senior counsel with the Committee on Homeland Security in the U.S. House of Representatives where she covered aviation security, cybersecurity, and appropriations issues for eight years.  She is currently a Principal with Command Consulting Group, where she manages business advisory services and public policy matters.

Most national security and intelligence professionals believe the recent terror attacks in Paris were a game changing and defining moment in the world’s war on terror.  Madrid, London, and Mumbai, as well as the recent Metrojet and Beirut bombings were all horrific, but Paris was different.  The attack on a western capital known for its joie de vivre and carefree lifestyle created a level of anxiety about our everyday surroundings not seen since the tragedy of 9/11.

The anxiety may reduce overall travel in western nations for a short while, but historically, events like Paris do not deter travel for long.  Perhaps it’s the “if we change our way of life, the terrorists win” mantra or the belief that traveling in times of heightened security is a show of solidarity with the assaulted nation. No matter the reason, there are some common sense best practices all travelers should follow, post-Paris. 

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