The central plot of this season’s Homeland has now been revealed to be a full-blown right wing conspiracy against an incoming President considered soft on terrorism. To strengthen the U.S. fight against terrorism, our conspirators have committed a terrorist act themselves and routinely murder anyone who could expose their plot. We have seen the enemy and it is us. In some degree, the plot mirrors an alleged Russian conspiracy. Vladimir Putin enhanced his strong man image by suppressing Chechen rebels after apartment buildings were bombed in Russia by terrorists. Critics alleged that Putin orchestrated the bombings to justify the brutal crackdown, and one of the most vocal, Alexander Litvinenko, mysteriously died from polonium poisoning.
Homeland often features adversaries turning into allies and vice versa. Carrie joins forces with her former nemesis FBI agent Conlin after she passes him the suspicious photos from Quinn’s phone. Conlin confronts Massoud about the stranger in the photos, but the informant denies the man was involved and sets the stage for the unfolding conspiracy: “He looks like government; he looks like you.”
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