We’re The Government and We’re Here to Help Protect Critical Infrastructure

By Francis X. Taylor

Francis X. Taylor is the former Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. In that role, he provided the Secretary, DHS senior leadership, the DHS components, and state, local, tribal and private sector partners with the homeland security intelligence and information they need to keep the country safe, secure and resilient. I&A is a member of, and the Department’s liaison to, the National Intelligence Community. Prior to his assignment at DHS I&A, Mr. Taylor was Vice President and Chief Security Officer for the General Electric Company in Fairfield, Conn. At GE, he was responsible for managing the security operations and crisis management processes designed to ensure the security of GE employees and operations globally. Before GE, Mr. Taylor had a distinguished 35-year career in government service, where he held several senior positions managing investigations, security and counterterrorism issues.

Cipher Brief Editorial Note: On the heels of Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October, President Donald Trump has proclaimed November as National Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month.

It’s a mouthful, but the declaration highlights the important need to focus on securing critical infrastructure.  Secretary of State Kirstjen Nielsen released a statement on the President’s proclamation, saying “Americans rely on secure and resilient infrastructure to provide access to safe food, reliable electricity and transportation, clean water, and instant communication. These physical and cyber systems—and others across all 16 critical infrastructure sectors—provide the essential services that support and underpin American society.

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