The Right Collaboration on 5G is Critical

By Daniel Hoffman

Hoffman served as a three-time station chief and a senior executive clandestine service officer with assignments included tours of duty in the former Soviet Union, Europe, and war zones in the Middle East and South Asia. Hoffman also served as director of the CIA's Middle East and North Africa Division. He is currently a national security analyst with Fox News.

OPINION — During a roundtable at the State Department last week, Attorney General William Barr emphasized how “our national security and the flourishing of our democratic values” depend on winning the competition with China over 5G wireless.  5G mobile networks with ultra fast data speed are critical because they support the most advanced 21st century technology including faster Internet, smart cities, and driverless cars.

The Trump Administration has rightly argued that Chinese telecommunications company Huawei should be prohibited from developing 5G networks outside of China because China would use backdoors in Huawei’s equipment to spy and compromise communications in the event of cyber conflict with the U.S. and our allies.

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