KARMA IS A BITCH: In the August 25th edition of The Dead Drop, we mentioned that former CIA operative Valerie Plame had started a tongue-in-cheek “GoFundMe” page to buy controlling interest in Twitter in order to prevent President Trump from saying offensive and stupid things on his Twitter account. This past week, Plame got herself in hot water by retweeting an article titled, “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars.” Even a cursory review of the article, written by another controversial former CIA officer, Phil Giraldi, would show that it is full of anti-Semitic blather. (Example: an argument that when American Jews like Bill Kristol appear on TV, networks should put on screen a label calling them “Jewish and an outspoken supporter of the state of Israel” which Giraldi says is “kind of like a warning label on a bottle of rat poison.”) Not only did Plame re-tweet the article, but when she started to receive heat for it, she told critics to “put aside your biases” and suggested they read the entire “provocative, but thoughtful” piece. Then SHE read it, and eventually admitted that she missed the “group undercurrents” of the article. On Sunday, she resigned from a board position with the Ploughshares Fund saying, “I take full responsibility for my thoughtless and hurtful actions, and there are no excuses for what I did,” she said, calling it a “grave mistake” and again apologizing for sharing the “deeply offensive” article, and for “perpetuating any conversation that gives credence to anti-Semitism.” Turns out sending offensive and stupid messages on Twitter is not solely the province of the Commander in Chief.
PACIFIC TURMOIL: Reverberations are still being felt following the tragic collisions involving USS FITZGERALD and USS JOHN S. MCCAIN. The commanding officers, executive officers, and command master chiefs of both ships were “relieved for cause” – Navy talk for “fired.” Then in short order, the Commander of the Seventh Fleet, Vice Admiral Joseph AuCoin got the axe. Last week, the admiral in charge of Combined Task Force 70 and the Commodore of Destroyer Squadron 15 were forced to walk the plank. This week, Admiral Scott Swift, the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, announced he would be retiring rather than taking the next step up that most of his predecessors have followed – becoming Commander of the joint Pacific Command. Swift’s unexpected departure raises speculation about the future of the PACOM chief slot. Some observers wonder whether the highly-regard incumbent, Admiral Harry Harris, might have his planned retirement delayed—and others suggest that the U.S. Air Force might make a run at the job, which has, heretofore, always been filled by a sailor. Once, back in 2004, President Bush (43) nominated an Air Force officer, General Gregory “Speedy” Martin, for the PACOM slot – only to see the nomination blocked by Senator John S. McCain – whose father, Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., held the joint job as a Navy admiral in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.
INTELLIGENCE REALLY MATTERS: Michael Morell’s new podcast, produced by The Cipher Brief in conjunction with CBS News, is taking off in terms of listenership, reaction – and even frequency. Originally planned to be a weekly discussion of the most important intelligence related issues of the day between Morell and some top current or former official – by popular demand, there were two new episodes this week: NCTC Director Nick Rasmussen and former special envoy to the Six Party Talks on North Korea Ambassador Joe DeTrani. Two more “must hear” interviews are on tap for next week: former National Security Advisor Tom Donilon and former White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough. Intelligence Matters first podcast with former CIA Director and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, released on September 19th, is approaching the top 10% of podcasts in downloads.
POCKET LITTER: Bits and pieces of interesting /weird stuff we discovered:
NETWORK NEWS: Not a day goes by when members of The Cipher Brief Network aren’t making news. Here are just a few examples from this week:
WHAT’S ON THEIR NIGHTSTAND? (Our contributors tell us about what they’re currently reading)
Leslie Ireland, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Intelligence and Analysis:
“I am reading Washington’s Immortals by Patrick K. O’Donell. It’s the true story of a heroic regiment from Maryland who fought in many key battles during the American Revolution and is credited with turning the course of those engagements. I was drawn to the book because O’Donnell used firsthand accounts of the soldiers about the fighting and life during that period. My fourth great-grandfather Asa Ireland, from Ipswich, Massachusetts, fought in the American Revolution, and I hope to get some sense of what his service and life was like.”
“Incidental collection happens every day, as does its dissemination. As a CIA officer, I would see several intelligence reports every day that included incidental collection. This should not surprise anyone. Intelligence information deals with, to a significant degree, how foreign governments and foreign entities think about, plan with regard to, and actually approach the United States.
As the Acting Director and Deputy Director of CIA, I frequently asked for the identity o a U.S. person in an intelligence report, perhaps a couple times a week. And when I was briefing President Bush, I routinely asked for that information on his behalf, even prior to him seeing the intelligence report. I anticipated his need for the information.”
-Michael Morell, former Acting and Deputy Director of the CIA
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