Dead Drop: May 24

SPECIAL DELIVERY:  Congressman Glenn Grothman (R, WI) told recently that lots of foreign nationals from China, Iran and Russia and have been caught trying to gain access to U.S. military bases and other sensitive sites. The Daily Mail says that Chinese nationals tried at least 100 times to enter U.S. military bases and related sites last year, often posing as tourists or lost food delivery drivers. Grothman told the news organization that “There have been reports of Russians, there have been reports of Iranians, there have been reports of people from throughout the Middle East – people who are members of terrorist organizations – also being caught near military bases.” Exactly what terrorist organizations he did not say – but the subject reportedly was discussed during a classified House Oversight Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs hearing last week. 

CARE PACKAGE FROM KYIV: Another disloyal former member of the Ukrainian armed forces has reportedly met his maker. Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Kulakov, reportedly deserted Ukrainian forces during Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea and subsequently served in the Russian military. He was said to have been killed when his former Ukrainian colleagues launched a Storm Shadow missile at the Russian air defense base where Kulakov was serving in Crimea. It is unclear if Kulakov was personally targeted or whether he just happened to be at the site when it was struck. In either case – we’re told his former Ukrainian colleagues were not broken up about his passing.

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