President and Senior Partner, Intelligence Enterprises
Ron is currently President of Intelligence Enterprises, a national security-consulting firm composed of a network of former senior national security officials.
Ron spent 16 years with the Central Intelligence Agency. During that time, he occupied a number of increasingly senior positions ranging from clandestine spy to Senate Liaison for five Directors. These positions include Special Assistant to the ADCI for Military Support, U.S. State Department Program Director for Law Enforcement Issues in Russia and Eastern Europe and a senior budget director at the National Reconnaissance Office. Since leaving government, Ron has been a senior defense contractor and a software executive.
In 2011, Ron was selected as Director of Battelle Memorial Institute’s Cyber Doctrine Program where he is working to delineate a United States Government Cyber Doctrine that frames the uses and limits of America's cyber activities both domestically and internationally.
Ron is a Standing Committee Member of the CSIS Transnational Threats Project. He is also a member of: the Atlantic Council, the International Institute for Strategic Studies and The Cosmos Club and teaches as an adjunct professor on national security at GWU and the National Defense University.
Marks has appeared on NBC Nightly News, MSNBC and numerous radio news and talk shows. In addition, he has written editorials for the Washington Times on intelligence matters, and the Christian Science Monitor on homeland security issues. He has also commented on C-Span’s Washington Journal, NPR and Public Radio International. Ron has been quoted on national and homeland security matters in U.S. News and World Report, The Christian Science Monitor, The National Journal, Government Executive, various Newhouse Newspapers, and Insight Magazine.
Ron is author of the book: Spying in America in the Post 9/11 World: Domestic Threat and the Need for Change—a book that focuses on the challenges and legalities of U.S. Domestic Intelligence collection in the Internet age.
Ron received his Bachelors in Business Administration and Economics from Lewis and Clark in 1978. Ron went on to the study at the Northwestern School of Law and took his Masters in Economics at the University of Oregon in 1982.