Welcome to the Gray Zone

It used to be something of a national security secret: identifying the ways in which U.S. adversaries are working to undermine U.S. stability, sow chaos and divert attention via operations all over the world that are meant to be unattributable.  Adversaries are now carrying out these operations in hopes of undermining U.S. national security and it’s not a secret anymore.
“The tools of the gray zone are diverse and evolving: cognitive warfare; cyber operations; use of surrogates, proxies, and ambiguous forces; aggressive espionage; political and economic coercion; and darker tools such as sabotage and assassinations come to the top of the list, but there are others,” writes former Assistant Director of CIA Dave Pitts exclusively in The Cipher Brief.  
Welcome to the Gray Zone.  
Subscriber+Members are invited to join us this Wednesday, January 22 from 1:30p – 2:30p ET for the kickoff of a series of exclusive conversations on gray zone operations throughout the year led by former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Dr. Michael Vickers.


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