Peace Fellow, Stimson Center
Jesse Marks is a Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellow at the Stimson Center, where he principally works with the Protecting Civilians in Conflict program. His primary research focus is civilian protection, stabilization, and peacebuilding in the Middle East, particularly in Syria. He has published analyses with the Hill, Huffington Post, and the U.S.-Middle East Youth Network. Prior to joining Stimson, Marks interned with the Migration Policy Institute in the international migration program and with Blue Path Labs LLC as an Arabic Research Analyst. Previously, he served as a David L. Boren scholar in Jordan where he studied Arabic from 2015-2016 at the Qasid Language Institute. While in Jordan, he interned for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representative to Jordan and with Jordan Center for Strategic Studies as a Research Assistant. He holds a B.A. in Middle East Studies with a focus in national security and Arabic.