One Year after Killing of Baghdadi, What is the State of the Islamic State? Opinion | October 26th, 2020 by Intel Brief
ISIS Terrorists Known as ‘The Beatles’ To Face Justice in the United States Opinion | October 8th, 2020 by Intel Brief
Northeast Nigeria’s Growing Insecurity Threatens Humanitarian Aid Workers and Civilians Opinion | August 19th, 2020 by Intel Brief
Return of the Quad: The Evolving Security Architecture of the Indo-Pacific Opinion | August 6th, 2020 by Intel Brief
Syria Spiraling Downward as Economy Tumbles and Instability Spreads Opinion | June 18th, 2020 by Intel Brief
The Boogaloo Movement – From Eccentric Distraction to Domestic Terror Opinion | June 15th, 2020 by Intel Brief
The Media Should Focus on the Need for Genuine Political Reform, Not Just the Violence Opinion | June 1st, 2020 by Intel Brief
Spreading Violence and Growing Instability Plague Northern Mozambique Opinion | May 27th, 2020 by Intel Brief
Recent Islamic State Attacks Demonstrate its Durability and Resilience Opinion | May 13th, 2020 by Intel Brief
One Foot In, One Foot Out: The Muddled U.S. Approach to the Middle East Opinion | May 12th, 2020 by Intel Brief