Professor, Sam Nunn School, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Fei-Ling Wang received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. He joined the Georgia Tech faculty as an Assistant Professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs in 1993, and was promoted to associate professor in 1999 and professor in 2005. His research focus is comparative and international political economy, and East Asia and China studies. He has published seven books (two co-edited) in two languages. In addition to numerous book chapters and reports, he has published dozens of articles in journals and newspapers such as The China Quarterly, Christian Science Monitor, Harvard International Review, International Herald Tribune, Journal of Contemporary China, The New York Times, Pacific Affairs and The Washington Quarterly as well as journals in China, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan.
Wang taught at the U.S. Military Academy (West Point) before came to Georgia Tech and at the U.S. Air Force Academy as a visiting Miverva Chair.
Wang is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.