The Saudi Crown Prince’s American Charm Offensive

<> on March 14, 2017 in Washington, DC.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has won over the American president. He now has a simple message for the American people: we’re the modern Gulf ally you’ve been looking for, to offset the threat of Iran, keep you safe from al Qaeda in Yemen and invest our oil wealth to bring you jobs.

It’s an attractive rebranding of the country maligned for failing to stop the Saudi militants behind the attacks of 9/11, crackdowns on freedom of expression at home, a military campaign in Yemen criticized as indiscriminate, and a fast and furious modernization program that included imprisoning wealthy, allegedly sticky-fingered Saudis in five-star luxury until they agreed to turn over purloined billions. That sounded great to Americans who’d heard for years about Saudi corruption, but not so great to U.S. businessmen who had partnered with some of those imprisoned Saudis.

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